By Joe Taylor, President of Marketplace Title Title theft and property fraud are often highlighted in dramatic advertisements, urging homeowners to purchase services that supposedly protect them from such scenarios. As a seasoned professional in the real estate...
Navigating the intricate realm of real estate transactions in Estero demands finesse from real estate agents. A seamless closing process not only delights clients but also showcases the expertise of professionals. However, achieving this smooth transition requires...
In the vibrant and complex Florida real estate market, a real estate agent’s role extends beyond facilitating transactions. A critical aspect of adding significant value is educating clients about the nuances of title insurance. Marketplace Title, a premier...
It’s very important for home buyers and sellers in Florida to understand the fees and costs commonly associated with title services — the last thing you need in the middle of navigating a real estate transaction is an unpleasant surprise about an unexpected fee....
Purchasing property is an exciting life event — but one crucial piece of the real estate transaction that’s frequently overlooked is title insurance. Title insurance is an important safeguard that provides protection and peace of mind for homeowners; without title...